POP 101: A Guide to V...with V!
CCTV: The Nonstop Pop ShowMarch 15, 2024x
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POP 101: A Guide to V...with V!


Before there was BTS' V...we had V, the British boyband! Join us as we step back into the early 2000s UK pop scene with the members of V themselves! In this episode of POP 101, we explore their dynamic journey from formation to their upcoming reunion at Mighty Hoopla. Hear firsthand accounts of their adventures touring with the likes of Busted and McFly, the close-knit brotherhood formed while living together, and the inside stories behind their hit singles and album. The band, with members Antony Brant, Aaron Buckingham, Kevin McDaid and Leon Pisani, also opens up about the highs and the lows that have defined their path in the music industry.

References: “Blood Sweat And Tears” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtaBemDavyY&pp=ygUTdiBibG9vZCBzd2VhdCB0ZWFycw%3D%3D “Hip To Hip” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM15j8QxL6Q&pp=ygUMdiBoaXAgdG8gaGlw “Can You Feel It?” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3XLgzaGyb4&pp=ygURdiBjYW4geW91IGZlZWwgaXQ%3D “Can You Feel It?” Live on Discomania https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu6b7qWAY3M&pp=ygUcdiBjYW4geW91IGZlZWwgaXQgZGlzY29tYW5pYQ%3D%3D “Hip to Hip” Live on MOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EJehDCgugg&pp=ygURdiBoaXAgdG8gaGlwIGxpdmU%3D Dance Rehearsal Footage https://www.instagram.com/p/C2DEuVPINls/ “You Stood Up” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIxjpQUfSxU&pp=ygUPdiB5b3Ugc3Rvb2QgdXAg “You Stood Up” Live at TOTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ocpVeA7JsI&pp=ygUPdiB5b3Ugc3Rvb2QgdXAg “Medicine” MV https://fb.watch/qLn_MXUWCb/ Instagram Live from “Mighty Hoopla” Rehearsals https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LPPV-onEh/


Before there was BTS' V...we had V, the British boyband! Join us as we step back into the early 2000s UK pop scene with the members of V themselves! In this episode of POP 101, we explore their dynamic journey from formation to their upcoming reunion at Mighty Hoopla. Hear firsthand accounts of their adventures touring with the likes of Busted and McFly, the close-knit brotherhood formed while living together, and the inside stories behind their hit singles and album. The band, with members Antony Brant, Aaron Buckingham, Kevin McDaid and Leon Pisani, also opens up about the highs and the lows that have defined their path in the music industry.

References: “Blood Sweat And Tears” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtaBemDavyY&pp=ygUTdiBibG9vZCBzd2VhdCB0ZWFycw%3D%3D “Hip To Hip” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM15j8QxL6Q&pp=ygUMdiBoaXAgdG8gaGlw “Can You Feel It?” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3XLgzaGyb4&pp=ygURdiBjYW4geW91IGZlZWwgaXQ%3D “Can You Feel It?” Live on Discomania https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu6b7qWAY3M&pp=ygUcdiBjYW4geW91IGZlZWwgaXQgZGlzY29tYW5pYQ%3D%3D “Hip to Hip” Live on MOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EJehDCgugg&pp=ygURdiBoaXAgdG8gaGlwIGxpdmU%3D Dance Rehearsal Footage https://www.instagram.com/p/C2DEuVPINls/ “You Stood Up” MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIxjpQUfSxU&pp=ygUPdiB5b3Ugc3Rvb2QgdXAg “You Stood Up” Live at TOTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ocpVeA7JsI&pp=ygUPdiB5b3Ugc3Rvb2QgdXAg “Medicine” MV https://fb.watch/qLn_MXUWCb/ Instagram Live from “Mighty Hoopla” Rehearsals https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LPPV-onEh/